Houston TX custom home builders logo - Pete Belknap and Associcates.

Leading You Home
in Pearland & Houston since 1975
281-489-0122 | Email Pete Belknap now

Metro Houston TX custom home photo by Pete BelknapBuilding and designing custom homes & remodeling projects in Pearland &
the Houston Area

New Homes from $100,000 to $800,000

Pete Belknap builds the custom homes you want to live in. It's just as simple as that, really.

After many years of listening to what home buyers in the Houston area want in their new homes, Pete knows how to make your new home wishes a reality!

Whether building a brand new home or improving the home you've already come to love, Pete will guide you through the process of planning a budget, developing a plan, selecting the fixtures and adding your finishing touches. Then, using the highest quality materials and employing true craftsmen, he'll build your home -- one that you will be proud of and that will grow in value over the years you enjoy it.

Since we are a small company, I will be working directly with you and involved with all phases of construction on a daily basis. You can talk directly to me about your objectives and desires. My goal is to make you a happy and satisfied homeowner. 
~Pete Belknap
, Builder
[Customer Testimonial]

Houston area new custom home by Pete Belknap.
As a true custom builder, we are limited only by your imagination. We will make sure your new home is built to be energy efficient and to compliment your lifestyle. 

Please take this chance to contact us. Pete will be pleased to hear from you and ready to talk with you about your needs and answer your questions. We will be more than happy to help you.

Learn more about remodeling
with Pete Belknap & Associates

Pete Belknap & Associates
Texas State Certification #6591

2723 Shauntel, Pearland, TX 77581
Phone: 281-489-0122 · Fax: 281-993-5615
· Email


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